Sunday, February 5, 2012

I Had No Idea.

After we started to write some reports on this cause thingy, we had to find an article that relates to our cause. The students of the composition class are starting on Summary/strong response essays which are just reports with a summary of the article and pretty much a response to the article if it wasn't obvious. But the response is a little bit more complicated. It has to do with two elements: the rhetorical situation of the article and the points/ideas of the article.
Back to the main point of this blog. We found out that in the second symester of our class we are actually going to start with our causes. I mean we have to go out and do whatever we wrote about. We are reaching those places and changing the situations that we felt strongly about. For me, I am going to actually help Christian clubs and organizations in the public school system. I mean it is cool and all, but actually doing it is kind of worrysome. I'm not one to do something. I'm all bark, but who knows, this might turn out really good (hopefully).

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